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7 Lessons for L.I.F.E. Living in Faith and Expectancy (583 hits)

Today I begin a series entitled 7 Lessons for L.I.F.E. (Living in Faith and Expectancy)

There are seven steps you can follow to reach the abundant life that God has purposed for you.

The first step is to "Be Yourself"

Many of us spend most of our lives conforming to what society says we should be. Yet, even the Bible says we should not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Romans 12:2. Remember, Jesus wasn't put to death for going along with the program!

Being yourself, what God has called you to be, is essential to walking in your destiny.Being who and what God has called you to be is as natural as breathing. Yet, many of you are fearful, lacking confidence in the Word of God and what it promise for you. Therefore, you yield to social pressure and use it as an excuse for not being yourself. Denying who you are according to God's design, will cause you to live a life of frustration and discord. Supressing who you are in hopes that "man" will reward you will leave you coming up short everytime. Instead, you should be listening to what God has to say about you while living a life that is pleasing to HIm.

The steps of a good man are ordered by God. Where is He leading you? Will you follow?

Living according to God's plans for your life will not always be popular. In fact, some people, even your family, may disapprove. The bottom line is our thoughts are not His thoughts and our plans are not His plans, therefore, it is not ours to question His will but to follow it. Not being who God called you to be will lead to unrest.

Recognize that people's perceptions of you matter far less than what God has to say about you. Be "you" consistently. This will allow you to be honest and open with others as well as yourself. Be open to change if you are not aligned with God's Word understanding that not being in His perfect will can draw you further from Him. You want to be everything that He has called you to be.

Don't allow your faults to overwhelm you, but don't ignore them either. Keep in mind no one is perfect, so self improvement, in alignement with God's teachings, will help you walk in God's destiny.

Being yourself begins with understanding and accepting yourself for who and what you are. Concurrently, you must yield yourself to God's power and will for your life understanding that He can make perfect all things about you when you abide in HIm and He abides in you.

You were fearfully and wonderfully made in God's own image. Therefore, He who has begun a good work in you is able to complete it. Don't rely on your own understanding , rely on Him.

Believe in who God has called you to be.

Join me next week when I move to step two (Love your neighbor as" YOURSELF") of the 7 Lessons for L.I.F.E. (Living in Faith and Expectancy).

Cheryl Lacey Donovan is an author ,talk show host and inspirational speaker. Her captivating messages are presented with passion and conviction as she connects with her audience through her conversational style. Her new book the Ministry of Motherhood (Peace in the Storm Publishing) will be released May 2009. To learn more about Cheryl visit
Posted By: Cheryl Lacey-Donovan
Sunday, December 21st 2008 at 5:42PM
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