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7 Lessons for L.I.F.E.: Lesson 2: Be Grateful (624 hits)

Last week I began a discussin entitled 7 Lessons for L.I.F.E. (Living in Faith and Expectancy)

Lesson 1 was to be yourself.

Lesson 2: Be grateful.

With jobs, children, spouses and the wear and tear of everyday life, it's easy to forget all of the blessings God has given us. We can lose our perspective on God's control of our lives when the physical, mental, and emotional demands or our many roles and responsibilities take their toll. Our perspective becomes somewhat convoluted and ungratefulness creeps in if we focus to heavily on material things while taking what we have for granted. We become complacent and our tendency is to forget that all good things come from God. Our security is no longer in Him but in what we possess. We congratulate ourselves rather than glorify Him.

We must be careful not to see God as a "Sugar Daddy" or someone we call on only when we need Him; neglecting to commune with Him when life is going well. Our relationship with God during the good times shows where our sense of security really lies.

If we are to truly have a relationship with God, include Him and acknowledge His presence even in the good times.

Be grateful.

Cheryl Lacey Donovan is the author of the upcoming release The Ministry of Motherhood (Peace in the Storm Publishing), inspirational speaker, and talk show host. To learn more about her or to have her speak at your next function visit www.cheryllaceydonovan.com.
Posted By: Cheryl Lacey-Donovan
Sunday, December 21st 2008 at 5:43PM
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