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Exorcising the Writer's Block Demon (3026 hits)

Rhonda Leigh Jones says that “Writers' block is nothing more than an expression of anxiety. It's a type of performance anxiety reserved for authors. The writer is afraid to put any words whatsoever on the page for fear that they won't be “good enough.” Perhaps the ghost of an old teacher or the memory of a parent looms over his shoulder. Whatever the reason, the writer who wishes to become “unblocked” must put words on the paper at all costs – even though they are imperfect.”

Distraction and indecision about what to write are major culprits. Rarely do you find a writer who does absolutely nothing other than write. The majority of us have families, civic and church responsibilities, social commitments…the list is endless. It’s no wonder that we sometimes find ourselves staring at a blank screen or sheet of paper for hours, days even weeks at a time.

In addition to having so much to do and so many people to answer to in our daily lives, writers often have several projects floating around in our heads; so we have a hard time delineating which one to work on. That’s been a huge issue for me in the recent past. Then one fine morning the Lord gave me the answer: FOCUS! Follow One Course Until Successful. I learned that meant I have to make some hard choices. Some activities I’ve allowed myself to believe were essential are either going to be postponed, delegated or eliminated altogether.

For Christian writers it goes even deeper. Those of us who have been called to minister through the written word are without question under attack. After all, the readers of our books will be inspired, uplifted, delivered and empowered by the anointed pages we pen. Of course the enemy will attempt to use every tactic he can dredge up including, but certainly not limited to so-called writer’s block. But the devil is a liar.

How do we combat the writer’s block demon?

Pray about it: Seek God’s guidance for how He wants you to craft your book from cover to cover. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path. Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)

Confess It: Speak the words of life over your writing career and each project. Declare that the work of the Lord by your hands is complete in His perfection. The Lord has done this; and it is marvelous in our eyes. Psalm 118:23 (KJV)

Believe it: Visualize readers with your book in their hands, see yourself being interviewed by TV, print and radio personalities, hear their testimonies of how masses were blessed by reading your book. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

Work it!
Schedule your writing and diligently work on that schedule regardless of the quality of the output. Faith without works is dead.

Perfect your craft. There are many websites that contain numerous creative writing exercises where writers can read and do an exercise. Read on a subject which you are not very well verse. Solve mathematical problems. This creates more neuronal flow and can rekindle the spark that you have been missing.

Authorcize: Get away from your desk periodically and do something to clear the cobwebs out. Turn up your speakers and move to some praise music. Do some calisthenics; take a walk in your neighborhood or at a nearby park.

Learn or Do Something New: Learn a new craft or skill.

Brainstorming: This can be done in beginning of writing and would help you to connect one idea with another.

Get Inspired: Read the works of other writers of your genre, attend writer’s seminars and workshops, conferences, participate in online and telephone conferences.

Support your peers: Post your peers’ books on your website, blog or social network, go to book signings Talk to others about their books. Don’t worry about the competition, what God has for you - is for you and no one can take it away from you. When you promote the fruitful works of others, you invest in the biblical principle of reciprocity.

Write! The most important thing to do in my view is to keep writing regularly. Don't let a day go by without writing, regardless of topic. Think of it as a missed workout at the gym if you miss a day. Too many missed days and you can get out of shape.

I love what best selling Christian Fiction author Kimberly Brooks has to say about writer’s block: “To be honest, as a Christian Author the term, “Writer's Block” never escapes my lips (unless I'm telling someone else not to use that phrase. Do not convince yourself that you aren't in the mood to write because you have writer's block. I have a passion for writing, so honestly I don't have to be stirred up to write, but even if I don't feel like it, I pray before my fingers hit the keyboard, and I just go with the flow. Never confess that you have writer's block; if God gave you the book idea, then He's not going to “block” you from writing it.”

Posted By: Venus Mason Theus
Saturday, April 18th 2009 at 11:33AM
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