Jennifer Marie Glass, affectionately known as "Jenn," is the first born to Pastor Lawrence C. and Lady Natalie A. Glass, Jr., of El Bethel Church (Redford, MI) and has been raised under the guide of true leadership. Jennifer has invested her time and talents in various areas of her life and for the last 20 years, has gradually emerged from under that umbrella as a member of El Bethel establishing herself as a not only a leader in the church—but a leader in life. She has been a Christian education instructor at El Bethel for the last 13 years and since 2008, has served as an instructor at the Michigan BME State Congress. Her transparency in ministry sets her apart from the rest and makes her lessons real and relevant to all the students who walk through her classroom doors. Jennifer has served in many other capacities in the church and has impacted them all.
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Posted By: Minister Celeste Kelley
Tuesday, August 10th 2010 at 5:45PM
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