Guest Speaker, SISTAHS Embracing the Elevation Conference
Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 10:00 AM
Eldress Kim James is a member of Great Faith Ministries International where Bishop Wayne T. and Dr. Beverly Y. Jackson are her spiritual parents. She is a Licensed Ordained Minister and serves in several areas of the ministry which include: Ministers, Altar Workers, Hannah Hope Staff, Prosperity & Praise Team and Christian Education. Evangelist Kim has been in ministry over 20 years and has ministered in the states of Florida and Texas as well as the Detroit area. She has conducted seminars on Inner Healing and Deliverance and Praise & Worship. Evangelist James has a heart and love for the people of God.
To read more visit
Posted By: Minister Celeste Kelley
Tuesday, August 10th 2010 at 5:58PM
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