Why oh why is it so hard to find entertaining books and films that don't contain s*xual content and/or profanity!!!!???? After watching the newly released Karate Kid on DVD, I was disappointed that the writers felt it necessary to pepper the storyline by having little Jaden's character use profanity - which Mr. Han (Jackie Chan) chastised him on but nevertheless it just wasn't necessary! Because Dre (Jaden) used the "A word" in the movie, we won't be able to use it at the church for family night. But granted, nobody said Karate Kid is a Christian film. So then, I thought, well there's a hot new Christian DVD that was just released so perhaps we can show it instead. Although I knew it wouldn't be a film the entire family would enjoy, I was hoping maybe we could sponsor a movie for the adults and provide other entertainment for children. So I made a bee-line to a local bible and book store (in Detroit) to buy this hot new Christian DVD to show at church. I asked the store owner if there was any "cussin' in the movie and he said, "Yes. In one scene." That's one scene too many.
Come on Christian writers, we don't have to write LIKE the world in order to be effective! If you don't think it can be done, read some of the works of Kendra Norman Bellamy, Tia McCollors, Sharon Ewell Foster, Kim Brooks, Marilynn Griffith, Stacy Hawkins Adams and lots more Souled Out authors! I said it before and I'll keep saying it, throwing a few scriptures and using God, Jesus or Lord in your dialogs doesn't make your story a CHRISTIAN novel, play or movie! If you are marketing your genre as "Christian" it has to reflect Christ. A good solid story can stand on it's own without being propped up with salty words. Our desperation should be about how many souls we can win for Christ, not how close we can emulate the secular world.
Posted By: Venus Mason Theus
Thursday, October 14th 2010 at 5:05PM
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