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You haven’t heard from me in a minute; I had a big technology meltdown….
— But now I’m back!

I spent the last 20 years, creating content, sharing tips, building my email list, communicating online and offline at events… building my email list

And one day, someone just clicked a button and deleted all my lists!

I worked so. Darn. Hard. I was rolling out some major Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday and Cyber Monday deals.

Then on Black Friday - everything went into a Black Hole. Technology trouble of the worst kind: everything was deleted. Poof! 👀

They said, “oops.”
What? Oops?

And no one was around over the weekend to help.
My email service provider, Active Campaign, went INactive!
I didn’t really know what to do.

I always talk about that your list is “gold” - and then my email list of thousands. Gone.
Social media is just social.

My list; they’re my community. Real customers and clients and friends over the years.
I talk to them, share the best of my best. NOT on Facebook.
Social media is for socializing and my list is for business.
That’s when I started getting sad, mad and wanted to hurt someone.

Before I did something stupid, I got an idea.

PR and media is my jam. I’m the content queen. Creativity began to surge again.

The person that made the mistake was fired. I got rid of the Active Campaign.
So, I signed up with Keap! Yep.

Formerly Infusion Soft - but they’ve made improvements (not so confusing)
- and I got a Keap coach.

Real people to help me through the migration and setup.
How could I let a technology goof almost make me lose my mind? 🤯
In 3 short weeks I put my PR Pivot in full gear. First I had to get my mind right.
Did the research. Figured out the sweet spot. Talked to the right people.

As a publicist for entrepreneurs and experts I show professional speakers and authors and how to build a platform that gets them seen, heard, and paid—with a life that’s in alignment with their brand.

Which is why…(cue the party music, please! )

My team and I honed our skills to introduce my new offering to help people get Quick Media Coverage.

It’s not here yet, but my waitlist is so I can share all the details in January.
This new offering is an amazing way for you to get out there, get visibility and credibility in the media, on news sites and with audiences that would be interested in your services.

Quick Media Coverage is a way to build a more impactful, profitable brand.
We are committed to expanding your brand visibility ~ quick and easy.
You don’t have to learn anything.

There’s no work on your part other than pulling your main message and photos together - we do the rest.

We tell your story - and promote it to thousands of people in the media.

I’ve worked with hundreds of speakers and authors over the last twenty years - and the media landscape plus the social media has gotten more complicated and confusing
– and it’s harder to get noticed.

Bottom line, what most really want is an easy way to get exposure without another course, webinar, template or book.

What we’ve created is the ultimate Done-For-Your PR to get quick media coverage.
Go from unknown, unnoticed and ignored on social media to being seen everywhere and getting crazy traffic to your website.

(It’s all about getting traffic and yes, building your list)

I hear you asking: “Dr. Pam, is it really that easy?!”
“Is it expensive?”
My average PR campaign is $10K but these new PR packages that guarantee publicity instantly - are a fraction of the cost - that’s a WIN/WIN for everyone.

This is because we have a network of media outlets that we’ve built relationships with over the years - to get you on the inside track.

Get on the waitlist and I’ll send you the details:


Oh, and P.S. – If you’re ready now, Speakers Magazine is a good place to start www.SpeakersMagazine.com to get out there and get featured.

P.P.S. And, I have a new number, feel free to text me: (313) 546-8884 or hit reply to this email. I love KEAP - they’re going to help me keep in touch with you and serve you better.

Posted By: Pam Perry
Sunday, January 1st 2023 at 9:58PM
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